Dr. G

Watch Dr. G
Keep up to date with inspirational sermons and divine revelations as Dr G. honours invitations to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ all over the world.
Inspirational speech at the workshop for Ukrainian refugees
Dr. G attends a Ukrainian refugee workshop.
Dr G speaks at book launch
Dr g is interviewed by world famous artist Rachel Kerr.....
A Tour of Turkey
A TBN Christmas Special
A Healing Word from Dr. G
A Powerful Healing Word

Become a G Partner
We’re on a mission to take the Good News of the kingdom to all the nations around the globe.
At G Ministries we are seeking kingdom partners and supporters whose heart & desires align with our mission in bringing the gospel to every nation in the world. We plant the seed wherever we go and trust that the Lord will supply the growth. Come join us as we go around the globe by prayerfully and financially supporting this ministry.
Our partners will receive first access to our products, including books and other items, information on forthcoming trips, and a chance to win a free trip to travel with Dr. G.

I can't wait to experience the mysteries and beauty of God's world together with you, on what is sure to be an
opportunity like never before.
See You There!
Dr. G